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Review Arunoday

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by Bookangel, 18 Dec 2016.

  1. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member


    Readers of family epics or business intrigues might want to take a look at this. Romance and Women's Fiction readers should probably pick it up.

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  2. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    I loved this book:D. Kirthi is such a strong lead and she stands up to so much to get her second marriage and make it work.:((:D:((
  3. Reader

    Reader Vile Critic

    The only nagging doubt I had about this book was the way that the antagonists all seem to have a change of heart, confess, and be redeemed. No one is actually outright evil, or even simply convinced to the end that what they are doing is right. Otherwise it is a strong family epic.

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